Super Rare Kids
Create and Thrive Together
Programming made just for kids. Play and Learn using coding.
Learn to program through easy virtual classes. Share new ideas through technology.
Explore Play and Learn Technology from Games Your Kids Love

Level Up
Help Your Kids Grow
Super Rare Kids helps your kids take computer based learning to the next level.
With just a computer, we give your kid a high-quality coding, programming and online gaming experience.
Super Rare Kids offer classes that focus on computer languages and games built by our nation’s top universities-like MIT, Harvard and UCLA.
Our classes have limited spots and fill up quickly.
To ensure quality Super Rare Kids limits enrollment.
Kids spend hours online – without their parents.
So we give parents the inside scoop on what their kids are learning online…or struggling with.
Parents of Super Rare Kids receive monthly progress notes and regular feedback.
This is our top priority at Super Rare Kids.
All students will be asked to take and complete an online etiquette and safety class.
Our trustworthy teachers show students how to avoid bullies and weirdos online.
The super kids of today are busier than ever.
Parents can choose a flexible class pack to mix and match our services:

For the Future
New skills learned in minutes will last a liftetime.
Super Rare Kids Gives Your Kids the Freedom to Explore, Create and Learn
Kids need creative outlets to express themselves. And that’s what we specialize in.
Super Rare Tech Giants
In Their Own Words
Everybody should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.
Steve Jobs, Founder Apple, Inc
Learning to code makes kids feel empowered, creative, and confident. If we want our young women to retain these traits into adulthood, a great option is to expose them to computer programming in their youth.”
Susan Wojcicki, CEO, YouTube
I taught myself how to program computers when I was a kid, bought my first computer when I was 10, and sold my first commercial program when I was 12."
Elon Musk, CEO, Tesla
Case Studies
Mitchel Resnick, LEGO Papert Professor of Learning at the MIT Media Lab, is the creator of Scratch - the world's largest coding platform for kids.
In this case study he presents real projects from interactive Mother's Day Cards to new games built by kids from around the world.
His Scratch software and online community is used by millions of young people...and continues to grow.
New classes come out every month.
New student orientation is held the first week of every month.
Remember student enrollment is limited to ensure the highest quality experience.
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